handmade leather care instructions

Our customers commonly ask us about the best way to care for their new handmade leather products from Embrazio.  

Our hope is that these tips will help you keep any leather products, whether they came from Embrazio or others, in the best shape possible. Leather truly is a beautiful AND durable natural material. With just a small amount of care, your Embrazio product can last a lifetime.  

Here's how to care for your handmade leather product:

1 - Always keep your leather clean.


We like to use common saddle soap for this purpose and we clean our leathers every month or two or after a specific use where they got dirty.

2 - Once clean, condition your leather

We use a common leather conditioner to moisten and “oil” our leather. This helps with water resistance and keeps your leather from drying or cracking. If you don’t have a conditioner specifically for leather, you can use a light application of olive oil in a pinch. Please keep in mind with any conditioner or oil to start with a very light application and, even then, conditioning leather usually darkens it a bit.

3 - Buff out leather scuffs and scratches

how-to-buff-handmade-leatherYou can also use conditioner or oil along with a clean towel or rag to buff out minor scuffs and scratches. With minor scratches, you can even rub the affected area across your forehead using the oil from your skin to cover the scratch.

4 - Avoid soaking your leather.

should I soak leather

Well conditioned leather can withstand a bit of rain and weather but you should wipe it dry as soon as possible and reapply conditioner/oil. There are also some conditioners on the market specifically for water proofing your leather. Just make sure you apply any conditioner in light amounts first to check the color change.

Well cared for leather should last for many years and even look better with time and wear. Our hides are personally selected for their beauty and finish. As natural products, it is common to see color variations and maybe even some marks from branding and insect bites. All these add character to the leather and make it uniquely yours. Thank you so much for your purchase with Embrazio and we look forward to your next visit to our site.