The Making of the Curva Belts at Different Sizes
How do you get that curve just right ... at every size? It's not that straightforward. Early on it was thought to just add more space to the back and front. Not true. These belts are actually a proportional transformation of the curves to get to the larger sizes.
But even after you have the PDF of the shapes at the different sizes, getting to a finished belt with those exact specifications is quite the process. One feeds the PDF into a sophisticated machine that then creates of a laser cut of the belts.
The belts cut from the laser are then sent up to Boulder for inspection. Everything has to be just right - checking not only the shape of the curve but also the length at each size and the perfect join with the buckle.
At that point we are ready to make the belt dies (one for each size). Again it is test and inspection but this time the cut is on paper .
Once inspected, we pull the trigger on creation of the dies that will be used to cut the belts.